Freephone number:

0800 38 38 38


Art. 1


Die Putzfrauenagentur (nachfolgend „PFA“) nimmt Reinigungsaufträge von Kunden entgegen und erfüllt damit einen Werkvertrag. Sie verrichtet Arbeiten als Reinigungsunternehmen mit Garantie auf die vereinbarten Leistungen. Die Einsatzplanung, sowie die Aufgabenverteilung an das Reinigungspersonal, erfolgt durch die PFA, welche als einzige Partei weisungsbefugt ist.


Art. 2

Beginn, Dauer, Kündigung

Das Vertragsverhältnis beginnt mit beidseitiger Vertragsunterzeichnung und ist auf unbestimmte Zeit abgeschlossen. Es kann nach 3 Monaten, ab dem 1. Reinigungseinsatz, von beiden Seiten unter Einhaltung einer Frist von 14 Tagen, schriftlich auf das Ende einer jeden Arbeitswoche gekündigt werden. Aus wichtigen Gründen können die Vertragsparteien den Vertrag jederzeit unter Anrechnung einer Aufwandsentschädigung von CHF 300.- exkl. Mwst. fristlos auflösen.


Art. 3


Die Räumlichkeiten der Kunden werden gemäss Pflichtenheft, das von den Vertragsparteien zusammen erarbeitet wurde, gereinigt.


Art. 4

Auftragsvolumen, Stornierungen

Das Auftragsvolumen kann im gegenseitigen Einvernehmen jederzeit aus-/abgebaut werden. Die Dienstleistungen sind den PFA-Leistungstabellen zu entnehmen. Diese Bedingungen bilden einen festen Bestandteil dieser Vereinbarung. Stornierungen einzelner Reinigungen können bis 72 Std vor Ausführung ohne Kostenfolge telefonisch/ schriftlich der beauftragten Agentur gemeldet werden. Stornierungen innerhalb 72 Std vor Ausführung werden gemäss Auftragskonditionen verrechnet.


Art. 5

Preise, Konditionen und Fälligkeit

Alle Preise verstehen sich exkl. Mwst. netto pro Reinigungsstunde. Eine Reinigungsstunde besteht aus 55 Minuten Arbeitszeit. Die Reinigungsstunden werden jeweils mittels Leistungsabrechnung zu Beginn des Folgemonats verrechnet. Der Kunde verpflichtet sich, diesen Betrag innert 10 Tagen zu begleichen. Bei einer 2. Mahnung behält sich PFA das Recht vor, CHF 50 exkl. Mwst für den entstandenen Mehraufwand in Rechnung zu stellen. Sämtliche Aufwendungen, die im Zusammenhang einer Betreibung entstehen werden vollumfänglich dem Kunden in Rechnung gestellt.


Art. 6


Die PFA führt die ihr übertragenen Aufgaben sorgfältig und unter bestmöglicher Wahrung der Interessen der Kunden aus.


Art. 7


Der Kunde ist für den Zutritt verantwortlich. Idealerweise übergibt er der PFA 2 Schlüssel seiner Haushaltung. Damit ist der Zugang für Stellvertretungen jederzeit gewährleistet, die Reinigungskraft erhält 1 Schlüssel, der zweite Schlüssel bleibt bei der PFA in sicherer Verwahrung.
Falls der PFA nur 1 oder kein Schlüssel übergeben wird, kann dies mit einem durch PFA verrechenbaren Mehraufwand verbunden sein, insbesondere für Stellvertretungen. Die PFA verpflichtet sich mit dem Erhalt der Schlüssel zu einem ordnungsgemässen Umgang, was den Zutritt zu den Räumlichkeiten des Kunden betrifft. Ohne ausdrückliche Erlaubnis des Kunden ist der Zutritt ausserhalb der vereinbarten Zeiten für die Beschäftigten der PFA strengstens untersagt. Zusätzlich ist die PFA dafür besorgt, dass die Schlüssel nicht an Dritte weitergegeben werden, siehe Regelung gemäss Schlüsselquittung. Die Schlüssel sind auf erstes Begehren an den Kunden zurückzugeben.


Art. 8


Der Kunde stellt der PFA sämtliche Utensilien wie Reinigungsmaterial, Putzmittel etc. kostenlos zur Verfügung und ist für das Vorhandensein der benötigten Arbeitsgegenstände verantwortlich.


Art. 9


Die PFA bestätigt, dass sämtliches eingesetztes Personal in jeder Hinsicht die gesetzlichen Anforderungen erfüllt und die Anstellungsbedingungen den Auflagen des Gesamtarbeitsvertrags der Reinigungsbranche vollumfänglich gerecht werden.



Verantwortlichkeit des Kunden

Der Kunde verpflichtet sich im Rahmen seiner Möglichkeiten bei der Vertragserfüllung mitzuwirken. Er ist z.B. dafür besorgt, dass die Reinigungstücher bei jedem Einsatz gewaschen vorliegen, Hilfsmaterial zur Verfügung steht, die Haushaltung zugänglich ist usw.


Art. 11

Geschäftsgeheimnis, Geheimhaltungspflicht

Die PFA und deren Beschäftigte verpflichten sich, keinerlei Informationen, die sie im Rahmen des vorliegenden Vertragsverhältnisses erfahren, an Dritte weiterzugeben. Dies betrifft insbesondere Dokumente aller Art, Wohn-, Einkommens- und Besitzverhältnisse. Der Kunde erklärt sich ebenfalls damit einverstanden, dass er einer Schweigepflicht für Geschäftsgeheimnisse unterliegt. Als Geschäftsgeheimnisse gelten jegliche Informationen, deren Weitergabe der PFA und deren Beschäftigten in irgendeiner Art und Weise schaden könnten. Diese Schweigepflicht besteht auch nach Auflösung des Vertragsverhältnisses weiter.


Art. 12


Der Kunde darf ohne schriftliche Bewilligung der PFA deren Beschäftigte weder auf eigene Rechnung noch auf Rechnung eines Dritten, abwerben oder die PFA in irgendeiner Weise konkurrenzieren, z.B. durch das Vermitteln oder das Abschliessen von Geschäften. Auch nach Beendigung des Vertragsverhältnisses ist es dem Kunden ungeachtet der gewählten Rechtsform untersagt, Raumpflegerinnen der PFA in irgendeiner Weise direkt oder indirekt zu beschäftigen. Dieses Verbot dauert bis ein Jahr nach Beendigung des Auftragsverhältnisses an und beschränkt sich auf Gebiete, in der die PFA tätig ist.


Art. 13


Bei der Verletzung von Geschäftsgeheimnissen (Art. 11) und/oder des Konkurrenzverbotes (Art. 12) schuldet der Kunde der PFA eine Konventionalstrafe in der Höhe des Auftragsvolumens der vergangenen sechs Monate für jeden Fall der Zuwiderhandlung. Zusätzlich haftet der Kunde vollumfänglich für den die Konventionalstrafe übersteigenden Schaden. Die Bezahlung der Konventionalstrafe befreit nicht von der Pflicht zur Einhaltung vertraglicher Verpflichtungen. Die PFA ist ausdrücklich berechtigt, die Beseitigung des rechtswidrigen Zustandes sowie die Einhaltung der Geheimhaltungspflicht und des Konkurrenzverbotes für die Zukunft zu verlangen.


Art. 14


Die PFA und deren Rechtsnachfolger dürfen sämtliche Rechte und Pflichten aus diesem Vertrag auf einen Dritten übertragen. Die Übertragung der Rechte und Pflichten erfolgt durch besondere schriftliche Erklärung an den Kunden.


Art. 15


Aus triftigen Gründen, welche die Erreichung der Ziele dieses Vertrages mit einer bestimmten Beschäftigten der PFA in Frage stellen, kann der Kunde diese zurückweisen. Auf Wunsch des Kunden bemüht sich die PFA umgehend um einen Ersatz.


Art. 16


Die PFA besitzt eine Betriebshaftpflichtversicherung, die für Folgeschäden haftet, welche durch Beschäftigte der PFA bei der Erfüllung vertraglicher Aufgaben verursacht werden. Auf Wunsch kann der Kunde jederzeit detaillierte Informationen über die Deckung dieser Versicherung bei der PFA anfordern. Für andere Schäden ist die Haftung der PFA auf den Betrag von CHF 500.- exkl. Mwst. limitiert. Ebenso für Schäden jeglicher Art, für welche die Versicherungsgesellschaft eine Haftung ablehnt. Die PFA verpflichtet sich, dem Kunden allfällige Schäden umgehend zu melden. Der Kunde verpflichtet sich, Schäden innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach Eintreten zu melden. Für nachträglich gemeldete Schäden wird jede Haftung abgelehnt.


Art. 17


Die Kosten der Reinigungsstunde gemäss Art. 5 gelten während den üblichen Arbeitszeiten. Für Aufträge an Wochenenden, Feiertagen und an Abenden, sowie in der Nacht, gilt ein spezieller Reinigungsstundenansatz.



Montag – Freitag      08:00 – 17:59


Aussergewöhnliche Arbeitszeiten:

Montag – Freitag      18:00 – 07:59

Samstag, Sonntag und gesetzliche Feiertage


Art. 18


Die Hotline steht dem Kunden von Montag bis Freitag ab 08:00 Uhr bis 12:00 Uhr und von 14:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr zur Verfügung. In Notfällen kann ausserhalb dieser Zeiten auf die Mobilnummer des entsprechenden Kundenberaters angerufen werden.


Art. 19

Salvatorische Klausel

Sollte eine Bestimmung dieses Vertrages unwirksam sein, wird die Wirksamkeit der übrigen Bestimmungen davon nicht berührt. Die Parteien verpflichten sich, anstelle der unwirksamen Bestimmung eine dieser Bestimmung möglichst nahekommende wirksame Regelung zu treffen.


Art. 20


Gesetzliche Vorgaben, Auflagen des GAV, Änderungen der paritätischen Kommission, Anpassungen der Teuerung, der Mwst. sowie Preisanpassungen etc. bleiben ausdrücklich vorbehalten.



Google Reviews

Based on 1505 Reviews

Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
a week ago
It worked great for about 4 years, but not at all from October 2024 onwards. Since I am dependent on a cleaning assistant because of my stiff back, I had to find another solution.
kathi sulzer
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
a month ago
Without any evidence, the cleaning time and the quality observed are simply incomprehensible.
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
a month ago
Ms. Ilhan cleans for us and we are more than satisfied. She goes into detail and you can see that she puts her heart and soul into the work. It's also nice for us to see, as you never like to hand over work that you don't really enjoy doing yourself. Even though I have only met Ms. Ilhan once, I can admire her commitment every Tuesday evening, and the same goes for my sister, Barbara Walker. We wish Ms. Ilhan a speedy recovery and hope she gets well again soon. Kind regards, Gabriela Kovacs
Gabriela Kovacs
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
2 months ago
Our cleaning fairy is punctual, reliable and the work is great. Everything is done in a timely manner. Wouldn't give her up so quickly.
Amatore Birgit
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
2 months ago
Very good service, with friendly and courteous staff. Our cleaning lady is great :)
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
3 months ago
All the women who worked with me were very reliable and did their jobs properly. The only negative point is that my cleaner has changed twice in two years.
Stefanie Günther
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
3 months ago
Super happy with the agency and our current cleaning lady. She is punctual, very thorough and also very friendly. I look forward to further collaboration. Overall, highly recommended👍
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
4 months ago
We were already customers of the cleaning agency before Corona and were extremely satisfied. Unfortunately, the performance has deteriorated significantly. Absence of the cleaning lady was covered once, after which we were no longer informed - whether the cleaning lady was back or whether there was still a replacement. The first conversation was a bit awkward because the management wanted to sell various cleaning items - be it for the floor or cleaning stone, etc. We were dissatisfied with the replacement because various places were not cleaned. The cleaning lady agency accepted this and could not send another cleaning lady. For customers who have such experiences, it is important to do good marketing. Apparently they don't care.
Elena Imboden
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
4 months ago
Completely satisfied with the performance of the agency, our cleaner Mihrije and her deputy Yacqueline. They did a very good job and were always open to feedback. Thank you very much, I will be happy to come back to your agency!
Laura Rutz
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
4 months ago
Online registration and entry into the system is highly professional and works quickly and without any problems. The immediate people were very supportive and the first contacts and the first home visit took place quickly. The needs clarification is also professionally recorded schematically according to a form. Communication with the organizer and the room attendant works well. The cleaner works well, according to the list, which is exactly what is ticked! What is not listed remains there. In my opinion, there is a lack of certain flexibility, which is essential in a household. But I am very happy about this service and would like to submit my request directly. Thank you
Jila Heidarian
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
4 months ago
Thanks, everything is good so far. Maybe you could swap Mr. for Ms. in your customer file😉 Thanks.
Katja Schmid
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
5 months ago
Unfortunately, we were promised things that could not be kept. The cleaning is inadequate. It doesn't work with the substitute. You actually have to adapt to the company's schedule rather than taking your own needs into account.
Merlo Claudio
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
6 months ago
I am very satisfied with the cleaning agency. The employees are punctual, thorough and friendly. The quality of cleaning is excellent and my home looks spotless every time. I can only recommend this agency!
stephanie Pello
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
6 months ago
Super reliable and everything extremely well done
Alexandra Lammers
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
6 months ago
High satisfaction! We are very satisfied with the agency. Good communication, very good personal support and quick provision of the right cleaning fairy. Absolutely consistent price-performance ratio.
Anke Rüegg
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
6 months ago
Super organized, always on time and quite straightforward to set it up and they really look to match your needs; I am very satisfied I find quite valuable the first visit with a supervisor and the methodology applied to charge to the customer the real hours of work.
Nan Ettlin
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
6 months ago
I have had good experience with support, once I have established cleaning. I also had no issue to change the cleaning person when I felt it is not match. New person I have is really nice and precise. Beginning was a little bit cumbersome with setting up + i had to wait for a month as well as there was no available cleaning service.
zuzana takacsova
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
7 months ago
Easy contact and quick feedback from the agency, our cleaning specialist is friendly and cleans quickly and well. Additional tasks are carried out without any problems and our pet is not a problem for the specialist. The only point of criticism: The first cleaning appointment takes place together with an employee of the agency and the cleaning specialist. I observed that the communication between the employee and the cleaner was not very respectful and seemed rather condescending, as if the cleaning specialist was stupid. This really irritated me and made a bad impression on me as a customer. I would like to see the cleaning staff being treated on an equal footing, even if the employees are perhaps superior in language skills!!
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
8 months ago
I only used the services of Putzfrauenagentur Greifensee GmbH at the beginning of 2024 and so far I'm really completely satisfied. Top care, holiday replacement etc., I'm happy!
Stefan Diethelm
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
9 months ago
I'm probably the black sheep here. I would be happy if I could give such positive feedback! My question as to whether the cleaning ladies had any training was answered with yes... but the cleaning ladies themselves don't know anything about it... so everyone has a different idea of ​​"clean"... standing barefoot in our shower and cleaning around things Unfortunately, they are not part of my idea. The Swiffer is very popular, but a wet rag is rare. I have a cleaning lady because I am chronically ill and therefore physically very weak. After a few months of training, I asked my pearl to put the things (carpets, decorative cleaning utensils) back in their place if possible, as this is too strenuous for me to put away roughly half of my inventory every week after a "hurricane". That was probably asking too much at a price of almost 40 francs per hour. The receipt came promptly, I was informed one day before the next assignment for no reason that Ms. I emailed back with the question of why Ms. X can no longer continue her work. With an automatic reply I was told that the clerk would only be back at her place after 5 days. Then I was told that Ms. X was no longer coming for “personal” reasons. It's nice that the company stands behind its employees, but where does this leave me as a customer??? So now I can again (probably after about 2 or 3 weeks without a cleaning lady) show a new pearl everything and teach her the extras that are different in every household. Honestly, NO THANK YOU! No longer with this company. Maybe the cleaning workers would be a little more committed if a little more wages were passed on to them... A disappointed ex-customer P.S.: out of kindness, I gave good Mrs. X a box of chocolates at Christmas and a chocolate bunny at Easter... should I do that again?...
Monika Stieber-Ryser
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
9 months ago
The clerks are very friendly, courteous and understanding, and the sales representative was also super friendly and nice! They also offered me another cleaner when I had difficulties! Tip to the field staff: I think small spontaneous checks to check whether it works are advisable! Thank you everyone, I would recommend the agency immediately!
Tanja Kriebus
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
10 months ago
A strong partner Putzfrauenagentur GmbH. We have been getting cleaning help for our stressful household for years. And extremely grateful that everything is so clean.
Ruth Senn
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
10 months ago
Absolute hammer! Called and very quickly received an offer for a cleaning lady. It now comes every Thursday and everything goes smoothly. I like it sparkling clean!
Der Luxi
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
10 months ago
Excellent! We found a cleaner through Putzfrauenagentur Kehl GmbH. And are very satisfied! Everything works extremely well.
Stefan Felix
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
10 months ago
I am very happy with the service offered by the agency.
Andreea Iuliana Ernst
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
11 months ago
I am very satisfied with our cleaning help and the support provided by the Glattal cleaning agency. Maritza does an excellent job and is very reliable. She is also a very pleasant personality and I really appreciated her and her work. Many thanks to Maritza and team for our clean home!!!
Yvee W.
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
a year ago
The worst cleaning company in all of Switzerland. Look for cleaning staff just to have Teamleiter clean the house, without contract and without paying.. Arrogant office staff. I absolutely do not recommend this signature because it is not serious. My review is based on real facts. Attention ⚠️
Giovanna Integlia
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
a year ago
The organization works perfectly. The cleaner assigned to me is very reliable. It is a real pleasure to return to the cleanly cleaned apartment. Many thanks to the cleaning lady and the cleaning lady agency.
Roland Durner
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
a year ago
Super Service, Lg Ch. M
Josef Müller
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
a year ago
High quality reliable service
Martijn Moransard
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
a year ago
We have been working with Putzfrauenagentur for the last couple of months. Specifically, we have been collaborating with Ms. Stephany Nataly Marca Rivera. She is extremely thorough and professional. We couldn't be happier with the provided services.
Thodoris Rekatsinas
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
a year ago
I don't grade the agency, but rather the performance of my assigned cleaning assistant. Salima Hakizhimana has cleaned for me a few times now. She works independently, efficiently, is polite and very clean. I can only recommend it and hope that it cleans me for a long time.
Kiki Hunziker
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
a year ago
The worst cleaning agency. Staff are neither trained nor provided with professional support. The customers are cheekily brushed off. Arrogant attitude from management. No responsibility is accepted for errors and damage. Stay away from this company.
Franz Ferdinand
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
a year ago
Our first 3 years were great, mostly thanks to the amazing cleaning person we had: reliable, professional, kind. Once they left, things started getting bad: no reliability on the part of the agency, 3 cleaning sessions canceled last minute with no replacement, poor organizational skills, no reactivity, and no proper follow up with customers. We've decided to terminate our contract with them.
Zineb Ait Bahajji
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
2 years ago
I have tried their competitor before and was very much disappointed and was on a look out for a better service. Then I gave a chance to Putzfrauenagentur. They are amazing and exactly what I was looking for. Their agents are always on time and do a good job. I can highly recommend!
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
2 years ago
We have a cleaner coming every two weeks for two hours. They are punctual and very efficient. I can highly recommend them.
Robert Cuny
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
2 years ago
I wasn't happy with the first cleaner. The agency was very accommodating and organized new help as quickly as possible. Now I am very happy with our new cleaning aid. She is very friendly, works cleanly, independently, cleans where it is necessary and she is very punctual. I can highly recommend the agency.
Monika Ramsauer
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
2 years ago
Putzfrauenagentur cleaned my flat and ironed my shirts every second week for over a year. I’m very happy with the services provided by Putzfrauenagentur and especially from Ismete. I never had any complains and I can definitely recommend Putzfrauenagentur if you are looking for professional cleaning services.
Florian Bozzone
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
2 years ago
I am very satisfied with the service provided by the Gnehm cleaning agency: it worked perfectly for me every two weeks for three hours of basic cleaning. If my cleaning pearl was unavailable, a replacement lady was immediately organized. Everything very professional. Recommended.
Irène Nager
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
2 years ago
We are very happy with our cleaning fairy Barbora. She does her job very well. We always look forward to coming home when she was there. The agency is also very accommodating and friendly. Very pleasant and personal advice. I would recommend it immediately.
Kevin Trachsel
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
2 years ago
Very friendly, efficient and uses initiative. Very happy with the service
Marie Geiger
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
2 years ago
I am always in a particularly good mood on the days when my apartment is cleaned. In the evening you come home and everything is perfect. I can now use this message to express my gratitude and also my joy in the service of the cleaning agency. Thank you very much for the great work
Patrick Stähli
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
2 years ago
Everything is sparkling clean and much better than if I attempted cleaning myself. An absolutely worthwhile investment of money and a fantastic job by the person sent from the agency!
Hamsa S
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
2 years ago
top team
Jana Kündig
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
3 years ago
Lovely friendly lady cleaning our house, working very hard.
Olga Gericke
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
3 years ago
Our angel does household chores very carefully and conscientiously. She has a very friendly nature - we are very happy
Evelyne Salie
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
3 years ago
Excellent service, with superb employees.
Mark Jones
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
3 years ago
Excellent experience.
Miguemon Miguemon
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
3 years ago
My experience with this company has far surpassed any other service that I've worked with in Zurich. Very professional, pay attention to detail, willing to work with you. I feel confident working with them.
Jenny Mesrie
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
4 years ago
excellent service! Thank you
Christine Kyburz
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
4 years ago
We have been customers of the cleaning agency for several years now and can only recommend the service. So far, without exception, all assignments have always been well planned and carried out and a replacement has always been communicated in good time during holidays. Our cleaning lady has always been 100% reliable and absolutely trustworthy and has always completed her work on time and very satisfactorily.
Christian Scholz
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
4 years ago
Very satisfied
Katja Aeschlimann
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
4 years ago
I have been a customer for several years and have consistently had very positive experiences. The employees are very reliable and the administration takes care of replacements in the event of changes. I think it's very good that it's agreed exactly what needs to be cleaned every time and what needs to be cleaned occasionally. In my case, the cleaning fairy comes every 2 weeks. Kitchen, bathroom and floors are always cleaned. The microwave, the rack in the kitchen and other things only occasionally, alternating. So it's always the same number of hours per assignment and I know the costs. I really appreciate this service.
paul huwiler
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
4 years ago
I am very happy with the services of this company. Very easy to deal with in my opinion super well organized.
Claudia Ritschard
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
4 years ago
Just a super professional service and company. If my usual cleaner is away they have a replacement set up automatically. I've been a customer for 8 years and will continue for a long long time. Highly recommended.
Luke Bragg
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
4 years ago
Parfait and excellent quality!! I can them recommend!
Igor Golovakin
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
4 years ago
Great price/value, professional and responsive service.
Sven Mangold
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
4 years ago
Very reliable and trusted service provided
Gerhard Steinrücken
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
4 years ago
After some difficulties with staff at the beginning (reliability) we got now an excellent reliable help.
Volkmar Puempin
Profilbild von Simon Zeiser
6 years ago
Arrogant and unprofessional. I required a check out cleaning and it took 2 weeks to finally get the person coming to see the flat after few cancellations at the last moment. And when she finally came all the questions were about agreeing to get a long term contract with them for the next flat. After i said that i'm not interested in long term cleaning, Manuela promised to make me an offer in 1-2 days and left. However no offer arrived from her and when i chased for a feedback she said that all their cleaning teams are not available at the date of cleaning and long after that. I didnt understand why i had to wait 2 weeks for her visit if she knew that they will not be able to clean. Ridiculous and unprofessional.
Anna B